Places to stay where it is always warm
What could be a winter holiday? Depending on the interests, preferences and hobbies, each traveler…

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Sri Lanka's Top Attractions
The island state of Sri Lanka (the older name is Ceylon), located off the southern…

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Budapest sightseeing
If you plan to visit Hungary during your trip, be sure to plan at least…

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worthy of attention

New Year in Japan

New Year in Japan is a very bright and unusual event for European tourists. In the country of the rising sun, the celebration of the New Year is one of the main events of the calendar, and many nuances and features are associated with it. Some of them can be quite unexpected and can even disappoint a Ukrainian tourist.

If in most countries of the world on January 1, most restaurants offer a special holiday menu, shopping centers work according to special schedules, and special New Year programs are waiting for guests in theaters and clubs, then in Japan everything is different – Japanese New Year traditions are significantly different from what accustomed to European tourists. Continue reading

Choose a travel agency

Suppose that you are going on a trip, but do not know who to turn to for the selection of a suitable tour.

In the tourist market of your city is full – full of relevant offers, and, of course, eyes are staring from such a variety.

Who to contact? How to choose the best company so that the rest not only delights, but also does not hit the wallet? Let’s figure it out. Continue reading

The scariest places in the world

There are many mystical places on earth that cause fear and horror in people. They are filmed in photos and videos, legends tell about them, make ratings of the worst of them, and travel companies even sell tickets to such places. Many of them appeared as a result of natural disasters, and some became the result of human life.

Mystery and mystery, different spirits and ghosts were attractive at all times. They are relevant today. We will name some of them. Continue reading

Seychelles: exotic for the sophisticated
No special vaccinations will be required before traveling to Seychelles. The country is quite safe…


International tourism in Russia: problems and prospects
Modern international tourism is one of the most developing sectors of the world economy. This…


Massage in Thailand. How not to run into hack
Massage has long been loved and revered by almost all the inhabitants of the globe.…
