Ancient Tallinn
Tallinn is one of the oldest cities in Northern Europe. It is quite miniature, but…

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Beautiful island Greece
Greece is famous among many tourists for its picturesque islands and the warm Mediterranean, Ionian…

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New Year in Japan
New Year in Japan is a very bright and unusual event for European tourists. In…

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Top 6 places to escape from hustle and bustle

Recently, many people (especially those whose work is not tied to any particular place) have been thinking about moving for some time to some secluded corner, where they can put their thoughts and nerves in order. According to psychologists, for most residents of megalopolises, various practices related to self-knowledge have become relevant, so they want to not only switch from the hustle and bustle of a big city, but to rethink their lives and understand which way they should go next. has chosen several destinations that are ideal for starting a new life without spending all your savings on it.
If you want to get lost in secluded places and forget about the benefits of civilization for a while, then go to the Pearl Islands. 30 kilometers west of the mainland of Panama is a beautiful archipelago in the Pacific Ocean, where once a huge amount of pearls were mined, and before that, powerful pirates hid from the wrath of the authorities. Now this place is chosen not only by local residents, but also by those few tourists who appreciate unity with nature and a calm measured life. By the way, it was here that the three seasons of the series “Lost” were filmed, so fans of the project will have the opportunity to see (and feel) these impressive places where people who had a car accident had to survive.


If you feel like a surfer in your soul and cannot live without the sound of the surf and the waves that cut the seashore, then you will definitely like the village of Aurir, located on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean. It is there, surrounded by banana plantations, that you can put your body and spirit in order: tame the wave, learn different asanas, find harmony and peace. In addition, you can get acquainted with local traditions and be inspired by the life of a fabulous and vibrant East with its magnificent flowering gardens and enchanting aromas.


It seems that there is already no such person who would not hear about the miraculous atmosphere of Goa. Experienced travelers confirm that this is exactly the place where you can learn the full “Zen” and find your meaning in life. It was in India that the practice of yoga and, as a result, hundreds of yoga retreats, who believe that reuniting with nature helps to establish harmonious relationships with the world and concentrate on one’s emotional balance, appeared. Many, having arrived there once, then return again and again, or move there permanently.


People who want to find a true paradise of unspoiled nature are advised to go to Bornholm – a picturesque island in Denmark, located near Copenhagen. The Baltic Sea with white sandy beaches, steep cliffs and peaceful deciduous forests will not leave indifferent any romance. It is here that you can devote time to yourself and your desires, forgetting about all the problems and unpleasant personalities.


Those who first come to Cesky Krumlov – a town in the Czech province of Bohemia – are surprised to note that it is in this village, reminiscent of a large medieval castle, that time seems to stop and you have the feeling that you are in a fairy tale. And really, one has only to close his eyes, as a picture is immediately drawn, as knights moved along the cobbled streets of the town, and ladies threw delicate flowers from the balconies, graciously accepting the courtship of the brave gentlemen. Renaissance-style fairs regularly held here, as well as the unmatched Rose Festival complete the picture. Well, for lovers of rafting there is also an ideal platform – the Vltava River.


Those who believe that in this sunny country you can only have fun and taste traditional dishes have not seen another part of Italy where you can relax and forget about the hustle and bustle. Anyone who wants to get rid of stress is advised to go to Lake Orta, which offers stunning views of the foothills of the Alps and the village of Quarna Sopra, whose population is about 300 people. It is in this mountainous place that you can “reboot”, do yoga, begin to paint a picture or a book – all that will make you truly happy. And the incredible Italian cuisine and the friendliness of the locals will make you remember that you are in one of the most cheerful countries in the world, where everyone can find entertainment to their liking.

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