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Diving in Egypt

The Red Sea is an ideal place for diving. Unique flora and fauna, rare fish species and amazingly beautiful coral reefs have turned the Red Sea into a mecca for diving enthusiasts from around the world.

You can learn scuba diving in any resort in Egypt. Each high-class hotel has its own diving center, where you can not only learn the basics of diving, but also improve the general level of training.

Any person over 10 years old and able to stay on the water can start diving classes. In Egypt, they often offer to take a CMOS certificate, but it is better to take a PADI, which is quoted around the world.

One of the best diving sites in Egypt is the Ras Muhammad Marine Sanctuary, located at the southern tip of the Sinai Peninsula near Sharm El Sheikh. The average depth in the local waters is about 25 meters, and the flora and fauna of the reserve are truly unique: in terms of the beauty of corals and the diversity of marine life, Ras Mohammed is inferior only to the Great Barrier Reef. Favorite places for divers – a large coral pillar, called the “Mushroom” because of the similarity of outlines, as well as reefs in the region of Mars Barek – a huge bay with a sandy bottom.

Ras Muhammad is an ideal place for lovers of historical diving. Near Biken Rock, 13 km west of Ras Muhammad, at the foot of a coral plateau are the wreckage of the Dunraven ship, which sank in 1876 while traveling from Bombay to New Castle. Another popular place is the shipwreck area of ​​the English ship Tistilgorm, on board which survived planes, steam locomotives, tanks from the Second World War and even Harley Davidson. The wreckage of the ship lies on a sandy bottom at a depth of 30 meters in the southern part of the Shaab Ali reef in the Strait of Suez and its well-preserved view will greatly please history buffs.

By the way, historical diving can also be done in the area of ​​El Gouna and Marsa Alam. And in Marsa Alam, real diving trips and night dives are arranged.

Diving in Egypt is interesting not only for beginners, but also experienced divers. Professional divers can be advised to go down to the Blue Hole near Dahab. This steep well, going deep into the reef, is known throughout the world as one of the most difficult places to dive. Or go off the coast of El Quseira to a dive safari – an exciting trip on a yacht, which can last several days.

Well, those who only dream of learning to scuba diving should pay attention to Hurghada and Sharm El Sheikh. More than a hundred diving centers have been built at these resorts, and experienced Russian-speaking instructors will help you quickly master all the basics of diving.

Open Water Diver (OWD) is an international certificate that allows a newly made diver to participate in various underwater excursions. The course can be mastered in just a week, having passed 5 theoretical and practical exercises in the pool and directly in open water. After that, you receive a plastic card of the PADI system and you can dive anywhere in the world. The main thing to remember is that this is only the first step in the development of scuba diving.

Night dives are one of the most interesting. They will give you an unforgettable experience and teach you how to navigate in conditions of poor visibility. It is best to dive with a small group of divers in an already explored and familiar place, in which case the risk will be minimal. A novice diver will need detailed knowledge of night diving techniques and the ability to take pictures underwater in unusual conditions.

Ras mohammed
Ras Mohammed is a unique nature reserve on the southern tip of the Sinai: its giant vertical reefs are visible at a meter depth from the surface of the water. The currents here can be very strong and unpredictable, but the coast that protrudes deep enough into the sea is a natural obstacle to their path. Experienced divers prefer to drift dives here.

Sharks & Yolanda Reef, Anemone City
Shark Reef and Yolanda Reefs (Shark & ​​Yolanda Reefs) – very popular, the most southern and deepest sites included in the system of diving places of the Ras Mohammed National Reserve.

Shark Reef challenges the submarine climber ”: it is a sheer cliff drowned in the sea and covered with the best examples of corals of the Red Sea.
The beautiful female name Yolanda was given to a ship built in 1964, and subsequently to a reef, on which in 1980. the village is a ship. For 7 years, it was shaken by sea waves. And in 1987. completely hidden in the depths. From mid-June to mid-August, large concentrations of fish are observed here, the places become the most picturesque.

Shark observatory
This is the southern tip of the Sinai Peninsula. Here, the protrusions in the form of turrets gradually decrease and finally disappear under water and turn into a wall with many protrusions and canyons covered with corals.

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