Cheat sheet for tourists: beaches of Israel
Crib Resorts of Israel are very beloved by Ukrainian tourists - they conquer travelers with…

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Rest in the Carpathians in winter
The Carpathians ... Winter ... Rest ... The combination of these three words ignites in…

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Where to relax in 2016? Travel Ideas
Do you want to give yourself an unforgettable vacation in some distant, but delightfully beautiful…

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separate room

We travel comfortably – 11 useful tips for travelers

The airport is a pleasant bustle and anticipation of something new, it is a sweet expectation of the start of the journey and the joy of meeting, this is where the road begins to the most desirable countries and favorite cities. Every traveler knows how amazing this is, even in something magical place, with which bright memories and bright moments are associated.

Airports are different, and they leave different impressions too, for example, someone enjoys excellent service, and someone languishes in lines at the passport control, and the same air harbor can leave directly opposite impressions. Continue reading


One of the leading travel sites of the world tripadvisor, based on the reviews of tourists from August 1, 2013 to July 31, 2014, published a rating of the best hotels in the world with the concept of “all inclusive” service. Most of them are located in the Caribbean, but the list also includes hotels in Egypt, the Maldives and Greece. So if you like gourmet dinners, beautiful pools and exciting entertainment … why not include them in the tour price and go on vacation to one of these hotels? Continue reading

Walking in Vietnam

For modern tourists, the countries of the East and Asia are very attractive, since they are almost unknown. Interesting buildings make fantasy come true. Vietnam is a vivid example, it has a huge number of attractions, only in Ho Chi Minh there are more than thirty of them. For example: Vietnam Notre Dame, Ku Chi tunnels, museum of military operations, Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum, Ho Chi Minh Zoo and Botanical Garden, Mekong Canals. You can list almost indefinitely – wherever you look, there are sights everywhere. Continue reading

Interesting facts about the Coliseum
The ancient building for mass shows - the Colosseum, located at the base of two…


Great Carnival in Nice
Still not sure where to go with your soulmate on Valentine's Day? Then you will…


Top 6 places to escape from hustle and bustle
Recently, many people (especially those whose work is not tied to any particular place) have…
